Information provided according to Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereafter GDPR), the "General Data Protection Regulation" and Article 13 of Law n. 171, dated 21st December 2018, and subsequent amendments and additions, "Protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data"
Through the website corresponding to the homepage of the online auction portal BID INSIDE, managed entirely by the Data Controller, we process your data mainly for these reasons:
to allow you to register for the BID INSIDE portal for the use of the services provided by the Data Controller through the portal, that is to enable you to participate in the online auctions of the various Auction Houses;
to provide feedback when you use contact data on the website (e.g., telephone, email, active social pages);
to allow you to subscribe to our newsletter.
We will keep requests for information received through these channels for 12 months if no commercial and/or contractual relationship has arisen due to contact. Otherwise, it will be necessary to keep them further for contractual or fiscal reasons (generally 10 years).
Based on the applicable law, we store navigation data for 30 days, except in computer crimes requiring a more extended storage period.
Some types of website users' data may be accessible to those who provide us with the website's hosting services and email. In addition, Maraja's employees or collaborators, who have received a specific authorization, can access it.
We use technical cookies to allow users to use the services of the BID INSIDE portal, that is, to allow users to register and make bids at the various auction houses. You can find the cookie policy here
You will always have the right to receive all the information you need regarding your personal data processing, obtain access, and copy it. You also have the right to obtain the update, integration, correction, or deletion of your personal data.
You are entitled to object to all or part of the processing of your data or ask for its limitation at any time. For data processed based on consent or due to the execution of a contract, you may also ask for portability.
Requests shall be addressed to the Data Controller:
by traditional mail to the address of the Data Controller’s registered office;
by email to the address:
If you think that the processing of your data violates the applicable privacy legislation, you have the right to complain to the competent authority.
As the sole and exclusive owner and operator of the website, Maraja S.r.l. is the Data Controller of the user's data who browse its pages.
The information is provided only for the BID INSIDE portal managed by Maraja S.r.l. and not for other websites that the user may consult through links on the website.
The contact details are as follows:
Maraja S.r.l.
Registered Office: Via Ventotto Luglio, 211 - 478963 Borgo Maggiore (RSM)
Phone: +39 393 8589723
Personal data is voluntarily provided by the user. These are the personal data that you wish to provide to us in these ways voluntarily:
when you register to the BID INSIDE portal to allow you to use the services that we provide through the portal, that is, to participate in the online auctions of the different Auction Houses;
when you contact us by phone or email, through the social networks or platforms indicated on the same site that link to our active social pages;
when you fill in our newsletter's optional, explicit, and voluntary subscription form. We remind you that you can unsubscribe at any time and that every newsletter we send always provides the button to unsubscribe or update your data.
This data consists of your personal information and, in particular: name, address, billing data, shipping address, tax code, ID reference, place and date of birth, email address, and information about the offers to the online auctions, including the categories of collectibles you are interested in and your preferred payment method.
We may process personal data with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. We have implemented specific security measures to prevent data loss, unlawful or incorrect use, and unauthorized access.
B) Navigation data. It is the data transmitted through internet communication protocols, collected by hardware devices and software procedures in support of the website. This data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the site, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the state of the response given by the server (good end, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the user's operating system and IT environment.
A) The personal data that you voluntarily provide us when you wish to contact us through the references on the website and when you register for the BID INSIDE portal to participate in online auctions are collected and processed based on the execution of the pre-measures contract and the subsequent contractual fulfillments, in particular, concerning the registration on the portal, based on the Terms and Conditions of Service that you find at this link. We may use the personal data you provide us when you wish to subscribe to the newsletter to send you periodic information about service updates, new features, promotions, upcoming auctions, or other related services, including the updating of the Terms and Conditions of Service that you accept when registering on the BID INSIDE portal.
B) Navigation data are processed on the basis of a legitimate interest of the Data Controller in order to ensure the correct and efficient functioning of the web pages. We would like to remind you that the computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this website acquire, during their regular operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but by their very nature, could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow the users' identification.
The purpose of collecting this data is solely to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning. These data are deleted immediately after processing.
The processing related to the web services of this site takes place at the aforementioned registered office of the Data Controller. It is handled only by technical personnel authorized explicitly for the processing. No data deriving from the web service is unlawfully communicated or disseminated.
We keep personal data collected through the messages sent to our website's references for 12 months.
If there is no professional and/or commercial relationship after this period, we will delete them. Otherwise, we will keep them up to 10 years from the termination of processing for the purpose of exercising the legitimate right of defense in any actions of contractual or non-contractual liability. Navigation data are not stored for more than 30 days, except for any liability assessment in case of hypothetical cyber-crimes against the website. In this case, they could be kept for longer, based on the applicable criminal law.
Exclusively for the purposes indicated above, your data may be transmitted to:
DATA PROCESSORS: They are third parties that process data on our behalf, ensuring adequate security measures to protect your information better. In particular, they may process your data:
Hosting service providers with their data center in EU;
Email Provider (Ehiweb) when we receive an email from you; Ehiweb complies with the standard contractual clauses as a security measure for non-EU data transfers.
PERSONS IN CHARGE OF PROCESSING: they are employees or internal collaborators of our company who have received a special appointment and training to process the data according to their duties.
RECIPIENTS OF THE PROCESSING: they are professionals or companies that receive communications of personal data by the Data Controller but act as independent Data Controllers as a result of such communication.
Among these are:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. When you click on the social networks' icons, you will be redirected to pages outside the website and agree to share some of your data with the Owners of that service. The information you share will then be governed by the privacy policies of the relevant Social Network.
Google Maps. When you access Google Maps for more information on the location of our offices, we remind you that you will be subject to the privacy policies of Google.
Auction Houses. Following your registration on the BID INSIDE portal for participation in the online auctions managed by the Auction Houses, every time you want to participate in an online auction, you will be redirected to the Auction House portal for online auction registration, and you will be asked to agree to share some of your data with the Owners of that service. The information you share will then be governed by the privacy policies of the respective Auction House. Some of the data that you may agree to share with the Auction Houses consists of your personal information and the information related to your registration on the BID INSIDE portal, also to allow the Auction House to comply with the same obligations imposed by the applicable legislation in the country in which it is located.
- Provider: Maraja S.r.l. with its legal seat in Via Ventotto Luglio 211, 47893 Borgo Maggiore, Republic of San Marino, C.O.E. 27181, as the Platform provider;
- Platform: the web platform named “bid inside”, owned by the Provider, referred to on the website, through which the User may participate in online auctions;
- User: the person, natural or legal person, who uses the Platform after its registration;
- Auction House: the legal entity which publishes, conducts and manages online auctions through the Platform;
- T&C: the Terms and Conditions hereto.
1.1. The T&C governs the use of the Platform by the User. By using the Platform, the User accepts these T&C in full.
1.2. The Platform allows the User to participate virtually in auctions organized and managed by the Auction House, both live and online. The Provider acts as a mere provider of the Platform. Therefore, it is not in any way part of the relationship between the User and the Auction House, nor does it act as a representative of the Auction House, nor shall it be considered responsible for the requirements and rules imposed, from time to time, by the Auction House for its auctions.
2.1. The User, who intends to use the Platform, shall first register and comply with these T&C.
2.2. The registration is free of fees and is allowed to natural and legal persons.
2.3. The registration is forbidden for people under 18 years or not of legal age in their Country.
2.4. Any actions that may affect the correct functioning of the Platform are forbidden. Namely, the following activities are expressly prohibited:
the use of software, hardware of any device that may affect the correct functioning of the Platform;
the use of web scrapers, web-robot, or any software that systematically and automatically collect information and data from the Platform;
the use of a bot or any AI software that allow the User or the Auction House to automate the usage of the Platform;
any actions that may cause an excessive overload of the Platform;
blocking, eliminating, overwriting or modifying any contents of the Platform or disturbing its correct functioning in any way whatsoever.
2.5. The User and the Auction House are responsible for the correctness, completeness, truthfulness, and update of data and information that they provide. Provider's responsibility is excluded to every extent in this regard.
2.6. Login credentials are strictly personal and shall not be shared or communicated to third persons. The User shall use a personal account, and its usage by third parties, also on behalf of the User, is strictly forbidden.
2.7. The Provider has the discretional right to prohibit the use of the Platform by specific Users, rejecting their registration.
2.8. The User shall keep its credentials and all the information regarding its account confidential and under its sole responsibility.
2.9. The Provider shall not be considered responsible for improper or fraudulent use of personal accounts.
3.1. The Platform is the Provider's exclusive property and is subject to copyright.
3.2. Any unauthorized use of the Platform, including its copy, edit, distribution, transmission and/or show of its contents, is strictly forbidden.
4.1. The correct functioning of the Platform is guaranteed only in its desktop version and under the condition of a stable connection. Specifically, the User shall be connected continuously for the entire duration of the auction or, at least, for the period when the auction lots of its interest are processed.
4.2. The User bears the risk deriving from the use of the Platform via mobile (smartphone) and/or tablet and/or with an unstable connection.
4.3. By way of example, but not limited to, unstable connection means access to the Platform and participation in auctions during movements of any kind, including through personal computers, access through obsolete devices or devices for which the User has failed to make software updates, and in case of a blackout.
4.4. Unless otherwise provided by these T&C, these shall apply to the use of the Platform via mobile (smartphone) or tablet.
5.1. The Provider shall not bear any responsibility for the requirements and rules imposed by the Auction House for its auctions. The Auction House has the right to accept or refuse the User's participation in its auctions, at any time and under its sole discretion.
5.2. The Provider shall not bear any responsibility for the auction's rules of operation, unilaterally determined by the Auction House.
5.3. The User, by the acceptance of these T&C, accept the Auction House's T&C, its requirements, and rules as well.
5.4. In case of conflicts between these T&C and the Auction House's T&C, its requirements, and rules, these T&C shall prevail. Auction House's T&C are submitted to the User on the Auction House website, during its registration and in case of subsequent updates.
5.5. Bidding is allowed only through the specific Platform's input mask. The User is not permitted to bid otherwise. If the Provider receives the bids by any other means different from the Platform's input mask, these bids will not be considered.
5.6. By purchasing an item in a fixed-price list or catalogue or bidding during an auction, the User undertakes to purchase the item or the auction lot, according to the conditions provided, should it prove to be the auction's winner. The User is bound to their bid until a counter-bid is submitted and, in any case, according to the Auction House's T&C.
5.7. In the case of simultaneous bids, the Auction House has the right to decide which of the bids to prioritize. The same applies in the case of simultaneous live (in presence) and online bids if participation in the same auction is allowed in both ways.
5.8. The Provider shall bear no responsibility for fulfilling mutual obligations by the User and the Auction House, which are solely and exclusively responsible to each other.
5.9. The bids inserted during the pre-auction phase through the form in the lot page are communicated to the Auction House as they are entered (maximum bid).
6.1. The Provider undertakes to observe these T&C in good faith and to ensure the proper functioning of the Platform within the limits of its contractual obligations with the Auction House.
6.2. The Provider is in no way a contractual part of the relationship established through the Platform between the Auction House and the User.
6.3. The Provider is not obliged to monitor the behavior of the User and/or the Auction House but reserves the right to do so. The Provider is entitled, but not obliged, to revise and, where necessary, delete the contents published by the Auction House on the Platform.
6.4. The User uses the Auction House's services provided through the Platform. Neither the Provider nor its managers, employees, or collaborators shall bear any responsibility unless the ones imposed by the agreement between the Provider and the Auction House.
6.5. The Auction House is responsible for the auction lots, the information about the lots, the requirements and rules for its auctions, and its T&C. The Auction House is also responsible for any transactions related to its auction lots. Therefore, any complaints or disputes by the User in this regard shall be directed to the Auction House.
6.6. The Provider is not responsible in any way for the truthfulness, correctness, legitimacy, completeness, or quality of the contents published by the Auction House on the Platform.
6.7. The Provider is not responsible for direct damages caused through the Platform, except for cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence. On the other hand, the Provider's liability for indirect, consequential damages and damages resulting from loss of profits is completely excluded.
6.8. The Provider is not liable for damages caused to the User by the Auction House, another User, or third parties deriving from improper use of the Platform.
6.9. The Provider is not responsible for any malfunction of the Platform. In particular, Provider's responsibility is excluded in case of technical problems that may result in delays or deletions of the User's bids or in case of time inaccuracy, as shown on the Platform.
6.10. The Platform may be temporarily out of service due to maintenance without liability on the Provider's part.
6.11. The User accepts that there may be a latency period in transmitting information through the Platform. Auction Houses may receive bids with an unavoidable delay, and offers from other Users can appear on the screen with a latency period. In particular, audio and video streams may be delayed. In this sense, any Provider's liability is excluded in case of offers that Auction House should receive with a delay due to the latency period.
6.12. Provider's responsibility is explicitly excluded when:
the Auction House does not receive a User's bid timely, and the lot is assigned to another User;
the Auction House exercises its right to decide which of the simultaneous bids is the winner;
the User's participation in the auction or the bidding or the correct functioning of the Platform is affected by any causes for which the User is responsible, by way of example and not limited to: lack of updates of User's systems or browsers, issues related to User's devices, connection problems;
the User incorrectly submits a bid that he did not intend to offer, even in the event of timely communication, through any channel, of the error by the User to the Auction House or the Provider; in case of error, the Auction House has the right to decide whether to cancel the offer upon the User's request;
any other cases provided by the T&C occur.
6.13. The Platform may provide links to other websites, which are not Provider's responsibility, both in terms of their operation and content, nor does the presence of such links within the Platform imply that they are connected to the Provider in any way.
6.14. Suppose an auction is interrupted and/or stopped irregularly. In that case, the Provider will notify the User of a report stating the reasons for such interruption and/or irregular stop and the rules for its continuation. Suppose the interruption and/or the irregular stop of the auction is due to technical errors not allowing its continuation. In that case, the Provider establishes the terms for the restart of the auction, agreed with the Auction House, without prejudice to the limitations and exclusions of liability set out in these T&C.
6.15. Any Provider's responsibility is excluded in case of Platform malfunctions determined by force majeure events, by way of example, and not limited to fire, explosion, earthquake, volcanic eruptions, landslides, cyclones, storms, floods, hurricanes, avalanches, war, popular uprisings, riots, strikes and any other unpredictable and exceptional cause, including hacker attacks or cyber-attacks.
Personal data are processed in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy.
8.1. The Provider reserves the right to modify these T&C unilaterally.
8.2. Any changes will be communicated to the User before accessing the Platform and will be published in its relevant section.
9.1. These T&C are governed by the Law of the Republic of San Marino.
9.2. Any dispute arising from these T&C shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Republic of San Marino.
10.1. The invalidity of one or more of the provisions of these T&C shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the other provisions.
10.2. These TCGS are available in Italian and English. In case of contrast, the Italian version shall prevail.
Last update September 21st, 2022
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